Home Sustainability



We must care for our employees, respect and safeguard the environment when we explore, build and operate, and re-purpose or rehabilitate the land when our operations come to an end. We must also contribute to local and national economies by paying competitive wages, treating our suppliers fairly, investing in our local communities and paying our share of taxes.

And we must do so in a way that preserves the profitability of our own business, not only so we can meet our commitments to our shareholders, but so that we can continue to invest in areas important to our other stakeholders, including safety, climate change mitigation and workforce training. These beliefs are the foundation of our views on sustainability.


Hudson’s Board oversees the sustainability approach. The Board’s Sustainability Committee has oversight of health, safety, environmental and community (HSEC) matters and assists the Board with governance and monitoring. Members of the Sustainability Committee are senior management determined by the Board to have appropriate skills in HSEC matters.

Hudson also seeks advice from external experts and forums on issues relating to sustainability as inputs into our policy development and decision-making processes.


Hudson is committed to creating a better future with sustainable development.Our ongoing responsibility is to not only deliver financial performance but also to make a positive contribution to society and crate lasting benefits for stakeholders, in a manner that is responsible, transparent and respectful to the rights of all.

Sustainability can only be addressed through solid long-term solid commitment. Hudson strives to operate as an environmentally sustainable and responsible business to better serve all its stakeholders, from investors to customers and communities.

We require sustainability during the whole supply chain of minerals, including geological prospecting, mining, minerals selecting, etc. We are determined to take action across all our activities that will positively affect the environment, our company, and society. We take responsibility for our actions.
